Friday, March 27, 2009

Define Cough.
To expel air from the lungs suddenly with a harsh noise, often involuntarily.

AMaths: i almost became frozen after 1hour30mins of lesson. :x
PE: its uber funny luhr! i laugh-d and laugh-d. play-d captains ball! :D uber fun fun fun!
but i got a baluku when play-g and my dear nu er,ZiHan got cuts macham vampire bites by me. SORRY NU ER!
Chem: I got volunteer-d by MrsEng to do smt next week. and idk what to do yet! :x
RECESS! then CCD. its uber uber uber sian. idk what i was doing too. :x
then went to canteen,find Bernard and HeXiang. actually do commands.
but end up chat-g. then went for ProjectTeach. :x uber sian luhr. :D
went to Bernard's house,put bag then went to play bball. its uber sunny and hot luhr!
i finally see MINGFENG LADY and SereneLaopo! :D
then ShereeLaopo and Stella came! :D play-d bball. uber funny funny! :D
went home at around 6plus. then take bag at Bernard's house. :D
bus-d home. with twin and sis! its uber funny luhr! :D haha.
and im HARRY POTTI! :D hehe.
and to my dear band members: GoodLuck &JiaYous people! its our last prac tmr! Apply what we learn! Remember: 1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+..+1=1! One band one sound! :X

cross th line.

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