Friday, January 30, 2009

"Linger with th scene , sway like th wind ."

im back . :D went to school in th MORN-G. had lessons luhhr. like duhr .
English lessons are funny now ! :D not sian, although i fall aslp like alot of times :x
MrEdward is HILARIOUS ! :D yeap . then SS ,SBS . jiu RECESS .
had house meet-gs . SBS siol . went to 888 after that . makan kfc .
"yeap " guy is THERE! *He's DAVID ! :D
haha . he dint give JoyceBro enough lemon ! :x
went to meet Christopher ,saw someone i dint wanna see .
then meet SHEREElaopo & LADY at th bus stop ,walk-d to bball court .
play-d bball . wahpiang,i super tire-d and angry lohr . yeap .
darn angry . yeap,thanks JoyceBro for cheer-g me up and my grumbles . :D
then LADY & Christopher went home so we continue-d play-g bball .
after that,BF*bestfriend came !! L0LS . its like wah,finally he came down . always ask him play bball,say not free 1. :x
with afew Admiralty bandsmen . then we play-d bball tgt ! darn funny siol .
first match as 11-10,they won,2nd match was 8-11?,we won ! :D
then we rest-d while they play . darn funny luhhr . play-g with them .
l0ls . BF is so LADY-LIKE tdy . so gentle siol. :D
went home at around 7plus ? bus-d home . haha .
anyway,gtg le.

cross th line .

**Note to self : IM NOT NOT NOT going down to play bball if that guy is there again!!! NEVER NEVER NEVER !!! arghhs .

"The best way to gain self-confidence is do what you are afraid to do ."

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